The Madina Institute Atlanta International Research Symposium is a gathering of research thought leadership for diverse interdisciplinary researchers from graduate and PhD students, to post-docs, faculty members, scholar-practitioners, scholar-activists and community practitioners.
Madina Institute Atlanta invites attendees to share and learn from original international research with open dialogues on how research can connect with practice.
The THEME for the research symposium is: Thought Leadership in turbulent times: Challenges and possibilities
Important Dates for the International Research Symposium Submissions:
✔ March 15 – Abstract submission deadline
✔ April 3 – Notification of acceptances
✔ April 17 – Deadline for all authors to be registered
🔵 May 6 – Event date (Presentations & Interactive Panel. Special remarks by Shaykh Dr. Muhammad bin Yahya Al Ninowy)
Abstract Submission Link: https://www.cognitoforms.com/MadinaInstitute/ResearchSymposiumSubmission
Format Guidelines
Abstract Guidelines for E-Poster, Pecha Kucha, Short Presentations & Interactive Panels
Select one format. The four options are as follows:
- E-Poster
- Pecha Kucha
- Short 7 Min Presentations with 3 Min Q&A
- Interactive Panel Discussion
Select the practice/thematic area. The categories are as follows:
- Arabic & Islamic Studies
- Quran & Hadith Studies
- Islamic Law
- Muslim Spirituality
- Halal, Zakah & Awqaf Studies
- Islam & Democracy
- Muslim Arts & Film
- Muslim Education/Education in Muslim Societies
- Muslim advances in Science & Technology
- Muslims & Economic Development
- Muslim Healthcare
- Muslims & the Media
- Muslims in the digital age
- Nonviolence & Peacebuilding
- The Muslim Family
- Race, Gender & Disability in Muslim Communities
- Environmental & Ecological matters
- Abstracts should be informative and should be a maximum of 400 words. Abstracts suggesting that the work is still to be completed, will be rejected.
- Indicate how the topic aligns with the theme: Thought Leadership in turbulent times: Challenges and possibilities
- The presenter must be clearly identified at the time of abstract submission.
- Please be sure to list ALL presenters/authors at the time of submission as changes cannot be made later on
- Only one presentation format is allowed per person using the same data
- APA 7th Edition is the referencing guide
- No submission will be accepted for presentations done previously at another conference
- Please do a spell check before submitting
- Reviewers will rate abstracts either “accept” or “decline,” with no possibility for revision and resubmission.
- Agreeing to appear in the program constitutes an obligation to attend the International Research Symposium. Late withdrawals (other than for emergency reasons) may result in exclusion from future programs.
- All authors/presenters/discussants/moderators will need to complete payment of registration please pay presenting author is registered and paid in full by May 01.
- If your abstract is accepted, please pay special attention to the time and timezone for your presentation slot. The program times will be in USA Eastern Standard Time (EST).
E-Poster Presentation
Below are e-poster formatting specifications:
- Composed in 16/9 ratio (wide screen/portrait) using PowerPoint or a page-layout program
- Consist of one slide only
- Research (Introduction, Objectives, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusion, References and Acknowledgment).
- Case Report (Introduction, Objectives, Case Operation Procedure, Discussion, Conclusion References and Acknowledgment).
- Literature Review (Introduction, Literature studies, Discussion, Conclusion and References).
- Presentations should be made in English as no translation services are available
- Number of the E-Poster (system generated)
- Title of the E-Poster (should be brief and match with the submitted abstract)
- Names and affiliations of all authors
- Arial font with the title and subheadings in bold.
- Plain backgrounds and contrasting colors to allow easier reading of your text.
- Photographs or figures with sufficient size so that they are clearly visible, with a minimum 300-dpi resolution. The number of photographs should be limited
- Graphs and tables should be well organized and the font used should be of a size that is easy to read.
- Declaration of Conflict of Interest for all authors; if there are no relevant conflicts, this must be included on the poster.
- Insert your contact details
- At the footer/bottom part of poster presentation, Presented at: International Research Symposium 2022 hosted by Madina Institute
- E-Posters will be assigned to a poster session and you will be given an assigned time to present your poster live. During your allotted time authors should be available for discussion of the E-Poster. A formal presentation is required with Q&A
- Posters are grouped by Topic Category which makes it easier to find the posters most relevant to your practice area/interests.
Pecha Kucha Presentation
Below are Pecha Kucha formatting specifications
Pecha Kucha is a simple VISUAL presentation style in which exactly 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each (6 minutes and 40 seconds in total). The IMAGES advance automatically as you narrate them. This type of format aims to promote concise and fast-paced VISUAL presentations. The timing can be accomplished in programs like PowerPoint by setting a 20 second timer for all slides in the Transitions menu. For more information on Pecha Kucha format, please visit: http://www.pechakucha.org/
Short 7 Min Presentations with 3 Min Q&A
Below are the short presentation specifications
- Your powerpoint presentation should include the introduction, methodology, results, conclusions and references. Adhere to the 7 minute presentation time limit. There will be further 3 minutes for discussion with the chair, participants and attendees.
- Arial, Times New Roman or Helvetica are recommended for clarity and compatibility. Use a font size of at least 24 points for body text and 36 to 40 points for headings.
- Use plain backgrounds with clear contrasts. Do not exceed 6-7 lines of text per slide.
Interactive Panel Discussion
Below are the interaction panel discussion specifications
- The goal of the interactive panel discussions is to identify the relationships among the research presented, either by the presenters themselves or by the discussant, offering insights into their unique contributions; and dynamic interaction between scholars, scholar-practitioners, scholar-activists and community organizers/members.
- We invite dynamic panels that stimulate thoughtful debates on emerging or existing issues by diverse panelists from different disciplines
- Successful panels have a strong moderator, a clear question to dialogue, diversity of opinions, positions and backgrounds.
- Panels should comprise of three presenters who present their arguments; a discussant who offers critical comment on the arguments, followed by an interactive discussion by the participating audience.
- Panel chairs or organizers are encouraged to shape their own panels and to submit proposals with abstracts from all authors on the panel as a group. The set of abstracts will be submitted for double-blind peer reviewers as a unit.
- Please describe your topic, its relevance, how the topic of the session aligns with the symposium theme.
- Identify the moderator, 3 presenters and discussant that you have mobilized to form the panel.
- Presentations should last no longer than 10 minutes per person in panels with three presenters
- 15 Minutes is allocated for the fourth presenter who is the discussant
- Discussants must receive papers no later than two weeks prior to the conference. This will allow for adequate time for discussants to read the session papers, and prepare responses
- Please allow a full 15 minutes for audience questions and commentary.
- The discussant should be granted roughly as much time as a presenter. Multiple discussants should divide this allotted time among themselves.
- Example of the format for the panel discussion is below:
10:00 – 10:05 – Chair introduces the participants and the session topic
10:05 – 10:15 – First presenter presents their paper
10:15-10:20 Q&A
10:20 – 10:30 – Second presenter presents their paper
10:30-10:35 Q&A
10:35 – 10:45 – Third presenter presents their paper
10:45-50 Q&A
10:50 – 11:00 – Discussant presents their comments
11:00 – 11:25 – Audience Discussion
11:25-11:30 Session wrap-up
You will require the following:
- Please make sure you sort out all necessary logistics before your session – ensure you have a quiet environment without distractions of people, pets, sounds etc.
- Remember to keep your microphone muted to prevent background noise
- Ensure you have a functional computer with audio output and input, headset with a built-in microphone, and the Zoom client installed.
- If you are not presenting. you can log in to the conference with your mobile phone using the Zoom app
- You will need to share your screen in order to share your slides. Be sure you practice how to do this prior to your session.
- PowerPoint does not embed video files. Only a link is made to the video file. It is important that you copy the video clips in your powerpoint into the same folder as the PowerPoint file. If you do not do this, your video will not play.
Instructions to pre-record are as follows:
- Pre-recorded sessions are recorded ahead of time using Zoom or the “Narrate” feature in PowerPoint.
- The recording is played back to a live audience at the scheduled session time.
- There are several benefits to pre-recording such as: rehearsal/redos so the final version is polished, reduced anxiety about technical/connectivity issues and having to perform live
- pre-record your presentation with the slides, and camera on just as if you were presenting live.
- Playback of your presentation will occur in the Zoom room where everyone watches the content at the same. Thereafter you and your co presenters participate in the live Q&A.
- If you are participating in the interactive panel discussion, it is preferred that you DO NOT pre-record your presentation, as the intent is live interaction between presenters, the discussant and the audience.
- There are many Youtube resources on how to pre-record your powerpoint presentation, Pecha Kucha via Zoom and other presentation software packages.
For any questions, please contact academics@madinainstitute.com