Theology (Aqidah) explores core Muslim beliefs, including sectarian differences and points of contention. Though theology is the cornerstone of the Islamic religion, it is often quite misunderstood by Muslims themselves in a modern era where classical works are neglected. Through detailed study and memorization of classical texts and proofs, as well as a study of Scholastic theology Aqidah (Kalam), students become vested to navigate the landscape of polemics, inter- and intra-religious discussion, and contemporary issues with sound logic and perspective. For those seeking local options, consider searching for “theology classes near me”
TOPICS COVERED of Theology Classes Near Me
– Who is Allah?
– Understanding the attributes of Allah.
– Tenets of Faith (Allah, Revealed Books, His Messengers, the Last Day, and Divine Decree).
– Logic proofs for the existence of Allah and His attributes.
– The disagreements between the Ahl al-Sunnah and other sects.
To learn more, you can go to theology classes near me
– Appreciate the diversity of political and theological opinion in the formative period of Islam and its relationship with historical events.
– Understand the development of different Muslim sects and theological schools from a critical historical perspective.
– Gain a critical appreciation of theological labels such as Ahl al-Sunnah, Shia, and Mu’tazila in the light of their genesis.
– Demonstrate an understanding of contemporary Muslim groups in the modern era.
– Gain a comprehensive understanding of the fundamental beliefs of Ahl al-Sunnah.
– Gain a comprehensive understanding of the Ash’ari and Maturidi schools and the differences between them.
– Capability of navigating contemporary challenges to Islamic Theology.
Credal Theology (Aqidah) I
Credit hours - 2
This course is an introduction to Islamic credal theology. Students learn about the historic context behind the development of the Sunni school of thought and the three Sunni schools, namely: the Ash’ari, Maturidi, and Athari schools. They are also exposed to the foundational matters in creed, with a special focus on the understanding of Tawheed, as well as the differences between the sunni tradition and other Islamic groups. The text covered for this class is al-Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah.
Scholastic Theology (Kalam) I
Credit hours - 1
This course is a foundational study of Ashari theology as covered in the text al-Bajuri’s al-Risala. The course will analyse the methodology of the Ashari school in understanding Ilahiyyat, Nabawiyyat, and Sami’yyat. This includes an examination of numerous matters that are discussed under these categories such as Attributes of Allah, rational proofs for His existence, natural philosophy, attributes of His messengers, and free will. This course will also introduce the science of Ilm ul Kalam, its development, objectives, and discuss its possibility of reformation.
Scholastic Theology (Kalam) II
Credit hours - 1
This course is an introduction to the credal methodology of the Maturidi school. Students will study the opinions of the Maturidi school as well as the structure of Maturidi texts by covering the text Al-‘Aqaid al-Nasafiyyah. They will also further their understanding of the science of Kalaam through the supplemental reading of al-Taftazani’s commentary.
Scholastic Theology (Kalam) III
Credit hours - 1
This course is a study of Umm al Barahin. This course builds on the students’ understanding of Ash’ari scholastic theology that they have developed from the Scholastic Theology I course. For supplemental reading students will read the entire commentary of Ibn Isa upon the Sanusi creed.
Comparative Theology I
Credit hours - 1
This course is a comparative study of the Ash’ari and Maturidi schools. Students will analyze the source of the major differences between the schools as well as their implications. They will solidify their understanding of the structure of both schools through a study of Masail al-Ikhtilaf Bayn al-Asha’irah wal-Maturidiyyah.
Applied Theology I
Credit hours - 1
This course is a study of scientific and philosophical arguments against the existence of God. Students will learn to recognize, analyze and critique common arguments and challenges.
Applied Theology II
Credit hours - 1
This course is a study of the refutation of anthropomorphism written by Ibn al-Jawzi, Daf‘ Shubhah al-Tashbih. Students will learn the proper method of understanding mutashabih verses of the Quran and Hadith of the Messenger. Students will look at detailed examples of such texts while studying Ibn al-Jawzi’s methodology in negotiating such text within the framework of the definitive texts. Upon completion of this course students will have developed a firm understanding of the approach of scholars when interpreting such verses and hadith.